RearPlate LLC is the brain child of its founder/CEO Harold Taylor, who worked in law enforcement for over 30 years and saw a need to simplify the dating community on the internet but in a fun and entertaining way that is enjoyable to all. Our concept is simple and to the point, allowing individuals to connect on another level in today’s real world environment by eliminating the clouds of doubt and misdirect caused by some of the fraud perpetrated by many on the internet everyday.
RearPlate LLC came to life around 2009 and will be the next big innovation in the dating game/ social media network today. This site will allow the users to play cops and robbers by running the tag of the tag wearer and making a connection be it a new friend or hopefully a partner for life but the main thing is having fun and enjoying the website.
RearPlate’s website is titled “” hopefully it will eliminate the stress of searching the web for that perfect mate that is sometime caused by individuals posting fake pictures with fraudulent bios that causes people to either fear meeting the people listed or just avoiding dating all together. It will eliminate some but not all of the catfishing that occurs on many of the dating website set up today.
RearPlate LLC hopes to give hope to the hopeless, by that we mean the sly guy will have the confidence to maybe get the girl of his dreams. The tag wear’s confidence will show that he or she is fearless but not reckless in their quest for love. It lets people connect by breaking the ice or at least melting it, breaking down walls a lot of people put up to protect themselves by letting people to communicate with each other like back in the day. It allows people who would never talk to each other to engage from any and all different environments and from all different races, colors and background.
RearPlate LLC was established as a company in 2014 with the aid of several family members and friends and worked out of an office out in Madison, Tennessee and see’s itself as the Hip Hop business of the 21st century and will put the swagger in every individual that allows us to tag that a** for all the world to see.
First and foremost, let me thank you on behalf of RearPlate LLC for your patronage and your joining the newest social media website. Your yearly membership entitles you to unlimited access to our website, to all the items listed below on this banner an
First and foremost, let me thank you on behalf of RearPlate LLC for your patronage and your joining the newest social media website. Your yearly membership entitles you to unlimited access to our website, to all the items listed below on this banner an
Renewal of your monthly or yearly membership is greatly appreciate and keeps your accessibility valid for the term of your original contract and the yearly members can ask for additional tags to either be attached to another pair of jeans or as a souvel.